This fifth collection of examples of social innovation published by the SIMRA project describes the 7 Social Innovation Actions implemented within the project.
Social Innovation Actions constitute a new approach for hands-on practice and implementation of research. Initiating social innovation actions is a complex social process, which requires conceptualisation, testing and implementation of actions, both user-centred and context-specific. This process is co-constructed with all social innovation actors involved: researchers, evaluators, and the local actors. However, there is limited knowledge of the processes behind their implementation and of the researcher´s role in guiding local actors from the establishment of an idea to its maturity. This brochure illustrates through 7 examples how social innovation is a potential gateway for innovative solutions, fostering sustainable resource management and alleviating local socio-environmental constraints in the farming and forestry sectors.
You can access SIMRA’s other brochures of good practices by clicking here and get inspired for your own territory.
More information on the examples presented in these brochures is available online, check out:
- SIMRA’s website section on “Innovation Actions”
- Our videos about each Innovation Action on SIMRA’s YouTube channel
- Our Report on Lessons Learned from Social Innovation Actions in Marginalised Rural Areas
- SIMRA’s database of good practices