Community energy: Huntly District Development Trust – Scotland, UK

©Huntly Express and D. Boyd

CS team:  Bill Slee, the Rural Development Company  Richard Hewitt, the James Hutton Institute

The CS in a nutshell:
Huntly and District Development Trust (HDDT) has recently developed a wind turbine on a trust-owned farm to the south west of the town. This turbine will provide the bulk of the income to secure the running costs of the trust. Rather than crowd sourcing the capital, this was obtained by a mixture of CARE loan and bank loans. The income will derive from sales of electricity to the grid and the feed in tariff which will be available for the next 20 years. Huntly was the target of a council-led town development project, but when the funding for this project ran out, a decision was made to form a community development trust to continue the momentum achieved by the council project.

About the area:
Huntly is a town of about 4000 people, 62 kilometres north‐west of Aberdeen and is the most disadvantaged small town in inland Aberdeenshire.

Location of Huntly in Aberdeenshire Scotland. © Google Earth Pro &