Register now to the RUMRA breakfast on Smart Villages

With the support of SIMRA, Euromontana is co-organising with MEP Franc Bogovič (EPP) a RUMRA breakfast on “How can social innovation help villages become smarter?”.

The Breakfast, organised within the framework of the European Parliament Intergroup on Rural, Mountainous and Remote Areas (RUMRA), will be held at the European Parliament, in Brussels, on 27 June 2018 and will focus on the new concept of “Smart Villages”.

Smart Villages aim to improve the attractiveness and well-being of inhabitants in rural areas and will be one priority of the next Rural Development policy. Social innovation can play a key role in the development of the full potential of rural areas as shown in our H2020 project SIMRA – Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas. By working together and through social innovation, some communities have taken leadership of the provision of key rural services such as health, education, energy, mobility and other social services of key importance in rural, mountainous and remote areas where such services were of poor quality and often in decline.  Smart villages outperform others. How can we capture their success in social innovation in marginalised rural areas and use it as an inspiration for all? How can we best support social innovation and Smart Villages in the future programming period?

Join the discussion, registrations are now open (only 60 seats available)
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