
Demographic challenges, Improvement of services / infrastructures, Entrepreneurship, Employment

Vazapp is a rural hub designed to accommodate young people sharing knowledge, ideas, projects, and passions about agriculture and tourism. It has supposed the creation of young farmers communities to experience technological and organisational innovation adopted at a social level. A typical Vazapp's modus operandi is the promotion of events called "conta-dinner" (a neologism derived from the terms "contadino", that is the Italian word for 'farmer', and "dinner") for relationships creation. Future projects focus on resources sharing, knowledge platforms, and ethical purchasing groups.

Networking, Production of goods, Services delivery, Social media, Public participation, Marketing & Promotion
400 young local farmers

• The experiment is in its early stage. Positive social, economic and cultural impacts are expected. • At the moment, relationships creation events lead to the building of a trusted environment, knowledge exchange, collaboration between young farmers, professionals and researchers, and to the creation of a processing cooperative.

* Information at the level of NUTS 3 or local regions.