
Environmental sustainability, Education, Other (biodiversity, protection and promotion of local identities, to enhace farmers' dignity; to guarantee consumers' rights to healthy food)

Global, grassroots organization promoting the local food systems by favoring the relationships between farmers, citizens, consumers, experts, actors of food services and institutions. It promotes the valorization of local food, starting from the cultivation of old species and varieties (e.g. old variety of vegetables and seeds), the diffusion of traditional recipes and the re-discovery of tastes. In over two decades of history, the movement has evolved to embrace a comprehensive approach to food that recognizes the strong connections between plate, planet, people, politics and culture. The initiative is based on the creation and aggregation of groups and network, from the very local level to larger ones, who are working to establish a system of good, clean and fair food from the grassroots level. The NGO works around the world to protect food biodiversity, build links between producers and consumers, and raise awareness of some of the most pressing topics affecting our food system. These initiatives range from community activities organized by local convivial, to larger projects, campaigns, and events coordinated by Slow Food’s national offices and international headquarters. SI is based on reconfigured networks and values, with special attention to poor and marginalized farmers and groups (like women and youth).

Networking, Training / Teaching, Production of goods, Assistance & Advice, Social media, Public participation, Support (Technical, legal, etc.), Marketing & Promotion, Workshops
Several different networks involving a wide range of actors (e.g., chefs, youth, women, activists, farmers, food producers, breeders, fishers, experts, academics, NGOs and representatives of local communities). • In Italy, SlowFood Italy is collaborating with associations of fairtrade producers (Solidale Italiano Altromercato); with Libera Terra, and others.

• Positive changes in the economy (thousands of products labelled as "Presidio Slow Food" with a high added value commercialized in the market), on environment (thousands of varieties and species protected to preserve biodiversity - only in Italy there are 200 "Presidia" involving 1,600 small-scale producers), on society (local and traditional knowledges protected, shared values, new multi-cultural and multi-actors networks creation), on culture (ancient cultures connected to food and local identity re-discovered and revaluated), on policy (Slow Food is a powerful actor, with a high reputation, able to attract resources and influence policies). • Positive changes are mostly referred to the raising of awareness of common people towards the importance of biodiversity, and the risk associated with the limitation of agricultural commodities on only a few species (e.g. wheat, soybeans, corn). • The direct effect of SlowFood is to create new relationships, but the indirect effects are varied, for instance: environmental effects derived from the cultivation of old crops growing in some marginal lands, consumers' benefits for the consumption of healthy food, farmer's benefits for the promotion of "fair" price of agricultural goods. • The embryonic idea implemented in Italy has developed into a global social movement, with the creation of national initiatives all over the world. Today Slow Food represents a global movement involving thousands of projects and millions of people in over 160 countries

• Slow Food Worldwide: Texto a visualizar con hiperenlace" target="_blank">Texto a visualizar con hiperenlace

* Information at the level of NUTS 3 or local regions.